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Sharing Cities Sweden - launch event on 23 April

Published 18 April 2018 A national program for the sharing economy in cities Sharing Cities Sweden will organize a launch event on 23 April 2018 as part of Sustainability Week at Lund University. The event will bring together the test-beds, national node and partners to present the early stages and ambitions for Sharing Cities Sweden.Sharing Cities SwedenSharing Cities Sweden aims to put Sweden on - 2025-03-14

IIIEE participates in IPCC Lead Author Meeting

Published 19 April 2018 Luis Mundaca, from the IIIEE, joins the 4th Lead Author Meeting of the ‘IPCC Special Report on the Impacts of Global Warming of 1.5⁰C above Pre-industrial Levels’ Luis Mundaca has participated in the 4th Lead Author Meeting of the ‘IPCC Special Report on the Impacts of Global Warming of 1.5⁰C above Pre-industrial Levels’. The meeting took place in Gaborone, Botswana (April - 2025-03-14

Sharing Cities Sweden in the media and on TV

Published 19 April 2018 Official launch of the program on 23 April Next week on 23 April, the official launch of the Sharing Cities Sweden (SCS) program will take place at the IIIEE. There will be over 100 people at the Institute and in the aula for presentations. The 4 partner cities, Stockholm, Malmö, Gothenburg and Umeå will present, along with the co-founder of the Sharing Cities Alliance, and - 2025-03-14

Climate adaptation in the green and dense city

Published 26 April 2018 In the image from left to right: Birgitte Hoffman, Aalborg University, Björn Wickenberg, IIIEE/LU, Caroline Fredriksson, LTH/LU, Helena Hanson, CEC/LU, Karolina Skog, Swedish Minister for the Environment, Nina Steiner, VA Syd Photo: Henrik Aspegren Seminar as part of the Lund University Sustainability Week 2018 Researcher Björn Wickenberg at the IIIEE co-moderated a seminar - 2025-03-14

Urban Living Labs – Experimenting with City Futures

Published 8 May 2018 New book release All cities face a pressing challenge – how can they provide economic prosperity and social cohesion while achieving environmental sustainability? In response, new collaborations are emerging in the form of urban living labs – sites devised to design, test and learn from social and technical innovation in real time. The aim of this book is to examine, inform an - 2025-03-14

New book with contributions from IIIEE researchers

Published 16 May 2018 Preventing Environmental Damage from Products: An Analysis of the Policy and Regulatory Framework in Europe Several IIIEE researchers have contributed to a new book form Cambridge University Press: ‘Preventing Environmental Damage from Products. An Analysis of the Policy and Regulatory Framework in Europe’. It is the first comprehensive textbook on product policy and law in E - 2025-03-14

IIIEE researcher Carl Dalhammar discusses 'Law and policy as barriers and driving forces for sustainable energy'

Published 16 May 2018 IIIEE researcher Carl Dalhammar will take part in the workshop ‘Law and policy as barriers and driving forces for sustainable energy’ at the Nordic Clean Energy week. At the workshop, Danisj and Swedish lawyers will discuss how law acts as barrier as well as an enabler for sustainable energy solutions. The event is open to everyone.For more information, click here - 2025-03-14

Lena Neij, Director of the IIIEE, participates in the Nordic Clean Energy Week 2018

Published 18 May 2018 Professor Lena Neij, Director of the IIIEE The 9th Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM9) and the 3rd Mission Innovation Ministerial (MI-3) are co-hosted by the European Commission together with Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland and the Nordic Council of Ministers and take place back-to-back in the cities of Copenhagen and Malmö respectively, on May 22–24, 2018. There will be a week- - 2025-03-14

Transition to a low carbon society

Published 18 May 2018 Scientific Workshop on 21 May On May 23-24, the Clean Energy Ministerial meeting and the Mission Innovation meeting will be held in Malmö/Copenhagen. These meetings gather energy ministers and other high-level delegates from the 24 member countries and the European Union, and provide an opportunity to leverage high-level political will and private sector leadership to drive c - 2025-03-14

How local communities can transition to sustainable energy systems

Published 23 May 2018 What makes for a successful transition to a low-carbon energy system? Local involvement, perceived fairness and information sharing, according to new research from Lund University in Sweden. The researchers studied two cases, one in Samsø (Denmark) and one in Feldheim (Germany) of successful implementation of low-carbon energy systems. Samsø is the world’s first 100% renewabl - 2025-03-14

Nancy Bocken keynote speaker at the Gordon Research Conference in Industrial Ecology

Published 23 May 2018 "Experimentation and Slow Consumption: Two Key Strategies in the Transition to a Circular Economy" On 22 May, Nancy Bocken Professor at the IIIEE, gave a keynote speech at the Gordon Research Conference in Industrial Ecology held in Switzerland. The title of the speech was "Experimentation and Slow Consumption: Two Key Strategies in the Transition to a Circular Economy”.Abstr - 2025-03-14

Results from finalized research project on solar electricity in buildings

Published 23 May 2018 "Small-scale solar electricity in buildings - power for change in energy systems and everyday life" Prof. Jenny Palm at the IIIEE has reported the results from the project “Small-scale solar electricity in buildings – power for change in energy systems and everyday life” The research was done in collaboration with Uppsala University and Linköping University and it was funded - 2025-03-14

Root causes or 'headlines'? The devil lies in the supply chains.

Published 25 May 2018 IIIEE researcher Philip Peck Photo: Sara Bernstrup Nilsson Philip Peck presents during the Sustainability Week 2018. On 24 April, IIIEE researcher Philip Peck gave a presentation during the Sustainability Week 2018 at Lund University. His presentation had the title Root causes or 'headlines'? The devil lies in the supply chains. The presentation was given during the workshop - 2025-03-14

Local governance of greenhouse gas emissions from air travel

Published 29 May 2018 New study on how local government (cities), addresses GHG-A in their Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAP). IIIEE researcher Nora Smedby has co-published a new study on Local governance of greenhouse gas emissions from air travel.ABSTRACTGlobal greenhouse gas emissions from air travel (GHG-A) are on the rise, and projections point towards a rapid growth in the coming decades - 2025-03-14

New research article on low-carbon energy transitions attracts media attention

Published 1 June 2018 What makes for a successful transition to a low-carbon energy system? Perceived fairness of various processes identified as pre-condition for the legitimacy of outcomes, according to new research from the IIIEE and LUCSUS. Luis Mundaca together with alumna Sophie Schwer at the IIIEE and Henner Busch from LUCSUS recently published a research article titled ‘Successful’ low-car - 2025-03-14

Book release: Urban Living Labs – Experimenting with City Futures

Published 5 June 2018 Over 50% of the global population lives in cities, and those cities all share the same pressing challenge: how can they provide economic prosperity and social cohesion in a sustainable way? One way of finding answers to that question is urban living labs, a type of testbed where social and technical innovations are tested in real time in an urban setting.“Urban living labs ar - 2025-03-14

City Futures - samverkan akademi och praktik för hållbara lösningar

Published 5 June 2018 SAVE THE DATE - 11 OCTOBER 2018! On 11 October 2018, the IIIEE is organizing a City Futures conference in Lund, Sweden. The aim is to bring together academia, municipalities and regional actors within business and industry to discuss how to strengthen the collaboration between science and policy for sustainable solutions. Keynote speakers are Dr. Cathy Oke, Knowledge Broker a - 2025-03-14

Forskare granskar klimatpolitiken

Published 12 June 2018 Lunds kommun stärker det klimatpolitiska arbetet genom att som första kommun i landet inrätta ett eget klimatpolitiskt råd. Till rådet föreslås experter med tvärvetenskaplig kompetens från Lunds universitet och SLU. Lunds kommun följer den nationella strategin med ett klimatpolitiskt råd och inrättar en motsvarighet på lokal nivå– Rådets uppdrag är att utvärdera kommunens ar - 2025-03-14

New report on socio-economic analyses, published by The Swedish Scientific Council for Sustainable Development

Published 23 August 2018 A new report on the possibilities and limitations of socio-economic analyses has been published by the Swedish Scientific Council for Sustainable Development. The report has been handed over to the Minister for the Environment, Karolina Skog.Lena Neij at the IIIEE is a member of the Swedish Scientific Council for Sustainable Development and a co-author of the report on soc - 2025-03-14

Demand-side approaches for limiting global warming to 1.5 °C

Published 24 August 2018 A timely special issue that explores policies and sectoral measures to keep the 1.5 °C target within reach Luis Mundaca at the IIIEE together with colleagues from Central European University and University of East Anglia have just concluded the special issue on Demand-side approaches for limiting global warming to 1.5 °C, published in Energy Efficiency.  The special issues - 2025-03-14