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Towards a Green Energy Economy? Steering an Effective Transition

Published 22 December 2016 Photo: Pixabay Expert insight by Luis Mundaca and Lena Neij On 14 December 2016, Associate Professor Luis Mundaca and Professor Lena Neij, at the IIIEE, published an ‘expert insight’ in the ‘Insights Blog’ of GGKP - Green Growth Knowledge Platform. Read the full blog post here: Towards a Green Energy Economy? Steering an Effective Transition - 2025-03-14

The Meaning of Environmental Management

Published 13 January 2017 THESIS DEFENCE On 13 January at 13.00 - 15:00, Thomas Parker at the IIIEE will defend his doctoral dissertation in Industrial Environmental Economics, with the title: The Meaning of Environmental Management: An Interpretive Study of Managing Emergent or Evolutionary Environmental and Energy Strategy.Appointed opponent is Associate Professor Thomas Zobel at Luleå Universit - 2025-03-14

Collaboration is the key to smart sustainable cities of the future

Published 13 January 2017 Professor Lena Neij, Director of the IIIEE Photo: Kennet Ruona Climate change, a growing population and increased urbanisation place great demands on our cities. Meeting these challenges requires collaboration to develop smart cities. But what does a smart city really mean and how do we create one?A smart city is a sustainable city. A city in which people want to live, wh - 2025-03-14

Sustainable Business Models - Experimentation and Collaboration keynote in Tampere Finland

Published 19 December 2017 Professor Nancy Bocken giving a keynote speech on sustainable business models. On 23 November, Nancy Bocken, Professor in sustainable business management and practice at the IIIEE, gave a keynote speech on sustainable business models at the matchmaking event From Waste to Valuables, for Finnish international companies and researchers related to Circular Economy. The even - 2025-03-14

Postdoctoral position at the IIIEE in sustainable urban governance

Published 10 January 2018 Last application date 31 January The IIIEE is now offering a post-doctoral position in sustainable urban governance. Last application date is 31 January.For questions regarding the position, please contact Jenny Palm, professor in sustainable urban governance, Phone: 046-222 02 42.Link to the position - 2025-03-14

Lena Neij now member of the Management Board of the EEA for the European Parliament

Published 11 January 2018 Professor Lena Neij, Director of the IIIEE Professor Lena Neij, Director of the IIIEE, is now member of the Management Board of the European Environment Agency (EEA) for the European Parliament.The EEA is an agency of the European Union and provides sound, independent information on the environment for those involved in developing, adopting, implementing and evaluating en - 2025-03-14

IIIEE arranges workshop in Brussels

Published 23 January 2018 Photo: Pixabay 24 - 25 January Together with the Swedish Energy Agency and ECEEE, IIIEE arranges a 2-day workshop in Brussels 24-25 January. The title of the workshop is ‘What is the role of the Ecodesign Directive in reaching climate and resource efficiency objectives in Europe?’.The workshop will present new research and trends related to eco-design standards for energy - 2025-03-14

Postdoctoral position in Circular Business Model Innovation and Experimentation

Published 1 February 2018 Last application date 12 March 2018 The IIIEE is now offering a post-doctoral position in Circular Business Model Innovation and Experimentation. Last application date is 12 March 2018.For questions regarding the position, please contact Nancy Bocken, professor in sustainable business management and practice, Phone: 046-222 02 49.Link to the position - 2025-03-14

Behavioural Economics for Green Energy Economy Policy: Insights from Scandinavia

Published 16 February 2018 In this policy brief, Luis Mundaca discusses recent research on and policy lessons from behavioural economics as applied to energy use and decarbonisation in the region.Scandinavia will be in the spotlight as the world’s largest energy and innovation ministerial meetings take place in Malmö (Sweden) and Copenhagen (Denmark) in May 2018. Participants will no doubt be eage - 2025-03-14

Are you our new Director of the IIIEE?

Published 9 March 2018 Join our International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE), with the aim to find pathways towards low-carbon and resource efficient sustainable futures. Director of the International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE)Join our International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE), with the aim to find pathways toward - 2025-03-14

Beijing Municipality visits the IIIEE

Published 9 March 2018 During the period 27 February – 9 March the IIIEE had a Chinese delegation of four people from the Beijing Municipality visiting the institute in order to exchange experience of sustainable urban planning as well as low-carbon management methods, waste disposal, green traffic planning and water treatment.They were visiting the IIIEE seeking advise on how to green their curre - 2025-03-14

Mobile Lab on Sharing Practices in Malmö

Published 26 March 2018 On 7 March 2018, IIIEE researchers Yuliya Voytenko Palgan, Kes McCormick, Charlotte Leire and Jagdeep Singh together with representatives from Malmö City Oscar Pelin and Viktoria Hoffman, and Bike Kitchen leader Jesper Berseus explored sharing practices in Malmö through a mobile lab. The team met with sharing economy enthusiasts, entrepreneurs and city representatives, and - 2025-03-14

Special Issue: Labs in the Real World – Advancing Transdisciplinarity and Transformations

Published 26 March 2018 How could we accelerate transformations towards more sustainable societies and transfer existing knowledge into action? A new article by IIIEE alumna Mascha Menny, Yuliya Voytenko Palgan and Kes McCormick “Urban Living Labs and the Role of Users in Co-creation” is now available online with an open access. The article examines different levels of user participation in urban - 2025-03-14

ABIS Colloquium 2018

Published 4 April 2018 Prof. Nancy Bocken took part in the panel discussion on how to bring business and academia closer together to address the SDGs. Building on the 16th ABIS Colloquium, the 2018 Knowledge Into Action Forum in Brussels was an answer to the call from the business community to academia to help develop competitive and innovative business models for the United Nations' Sustainabilit - 2025-03-14

Sharing Cities Sweden - launch event on 23 April

Published 18 April 2018 A national program for the sharing economy in cities Sharing Cities Sweden will organize a launch event on 23 April 2018 as part of Sustainability Week at Lund University. The event will bring together the test-beds, national node and partners to present the early stages and ambitions for Sharing Cities Sweden.Sharing Cities SwedenSharing Cities Sweden aims to put Sweden on - 2025-03-14

IIIEE participates in IPCC Lead Author Meeting

Published 19 April 2018 Luis Mundaca, from the IIIEE, joins the 4th Lead Author Meeting of the ‘IPCC Special Report on the Impacts of Global Warming of 1.5⁰C above Pre-industrial Levels’ Luis Mundaca has participated in the 4th Lead Author Meeting of the ‘IPCC Special Report on the Impacts of Global Warming of 1.5⁰C above Pre-industrial Levels’. The meeting took place in Gaborone, Botswana (April - 2025-03-14

Sharing Cities Sweden in the media and on TV

Published 19 April 2018 Official launch of the program on 23 April Next week on 23 April, the official launch of the Sharing Cities Sweden (SCS) program will take place at the IIIEE. There will be over 100 people at the Institute and in the aula for presentations. The 4 partner cities, Stockholm, Malmö, Gothenburg and Umeå will present, along with the co-founder of the Sharing Cities Alliance, and - 2025-03-14

Climate adaptation in the green and dense city

Published 26 April 2018 In the image from left to right: Birgitte Hoffman, Aalborg University, Björn Wickenberg, IIIEE/LU, Caroline Fredriksson, LTH/LU, Helena Hanson, CEC/LU, Karolina Skog, Swedish Minister for the Environment, Nina Steiner, VA Syd Photo: Henrik Aspegren Seminar as part of the Lund University Sustainability Week 2018 Researcher Björn Wickenberg at the IIIEE co-moderated a seminar - 2025-03-14

Urban Living Labs – Experimenting with City Futures

Published 8 May 2018 New book release All cities face a pressing challenge – how can they provide economic prosperity and social cohesion while achieving environmental sustainability? In response, new collaborations are emerging in the form of urban living labs – sites devised to design, test and learn from social and technical innovation in real time. The aim of this book is to examine, inform an - 2025-03-14